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We would love to demonstrate our wide variety of packages and modular systems to fit your needs in a 30 minute meeting.



Tel: 438-872-7233

Thank you for getting in touch!

We appreciate you contacting us. One of our colleagues will get back in touch with you soon!

Have a great day!

  • Do I need to subscribe to the Starter package first?
    YES. This is the minimum package for any Permit Holder and beach monitoring organization to enter nesting events. Subscription to the Starter package allows the registered Permit Holder and/or the legal beach organization owner to have full access and full control of the their data platform and web dashboard.
  • Can we start with only one tablet?
    YES. At least one (1) rugged tablet with the Nesting Safe mobile Application is necessary in the Starter package to enter nesting data offline from the beach. This provides the Permit holder or managing organization with full access to the data platform and to the web dashboard. The Rugged Tablet is provided and set-up at cost, ready to go, so that it can easily synchronize with the web server using local WiFi!
  • What’s the advantage of the Nesting Safe mobile App?
    MANY. The mobile App allows you to create and automatically map all nesting events and habitat parameters, and is scalable with your evolving data entry needs. You can modify the preferences in the dashboard and push these the next time you sync your tablets.
  • Can the Nesting Safe data platform be converted to our local language?
    YES. Nesting Safe will provide you with the terminology in the English Application and Dashboard and work with your organization to convert all the terms. Your team will then be able to select the language of choice for entering and editing data.
  • Is there a risk of data loss from the Application to the Platform?
    All nesting data entries are digitally stored and mapped in the App as soon as you create events and review the data. When each tablet is synchronized with the cloud, each tablet is seamlessly refreshed with all the newly created data from each beach. NO NEED for hours of data checking or manual transcription..
  • Is there a limit to the number of beaches in a subscription?
    NO. There is no limit to the number of beaches within a subscription package as long as it is owned and operated by a regulated Permit Holder or Non-Profit Organization that manages specified beaches.
  • Can we upgrade to the next level package anytime?
    YES. The entire communication platform and wireless technology is designed to seamlessly incorporate products and accessories of next level packages, independent of the the number of tablets and beaches in the organization.
  • Can graduate students contribute data to our beach?
    YES. The Permit Holder and organization owner may provide user access to an external participant for one or more designated beach(es) to enter, edit, visualize or manage certain data within an organization. The graduate student must have access to the Tablet mobile application. The different packages and subscriptions are designed to aggregate these advanced wireless technology products according to the level of scientific research being conducted on site.
  • Who does the data belong to and who can share it?
    The data belongs to the Permit Holder and/or managing organization. The Permit holder decides who has access to the data within the platform, and to which level of access each employee and volunteer has to edit the data in the mobile application and the database.Answer 1
  • Does the Starter package include the data Platform?
    YES. The Starter package gives each Permit holder and Organization owner full access to the mobile application for turtle nest monitoring, to the web dashboard for visualizing and managing all the nesting events, and to the data platform for managing the present and historical data, and reporting features.
  • Can different organizations access our beach data?
    NO. User access and beach limits are predefined by the organization owner, and data cannot be shared, unless a special user-privilege is granted to a third party, a government organization or a conservation team.
  • Can we import our historical data, if we buy the Starter package?"
    YES. Nesting Safe will ensure that the import of your historica data is configured to the format of this software platform. This ensures that all the past and future data sets are standardized.
  • Can we import decades of historical data from different platforms?
    YES. If datasets from older platforms require excessive resources to configure and restructure, the Nesting Safe software team will work with your technology manager to determine how you can save time and what resources may be necessary to allocate. However, once this process is completed, all the data will be standardized and visible for comparison, and your platform will be able to evolve with your changing requirements for collecting, visualizing nesting data, and reporting externally.
  • What if our data requirements change over time?
    NO PROBLEM. The Nesting Safe team will help your organization evolve and adapt to your external reporting requirements. The core design of our technology platform is such that “there is no limit as to what data you can collect or display”.
  • What if we need to export data to other file types?
    NO PROBLEM. There is NO LIMIT as to the type of data you can import or export for further analytics.
  • Is my data secure?
    YES. We have implemented ongoing security checks and redundancy within the system to protect your data and the integrity of the communication platform
  • What’s the advantage of this patented technology platform?
    This data communication system was specifically designed to operate large data sets from many beaches, independent of external networks and cellular connection. The platform is structurally designed to scale up with your needs. Managers can visualize their beaches with thousands of nests and filter their data for export according to their specifications.
  • What is an ‘Asynchronous distributed communication system?
    The advantage of Asynchronous communication is that information can be collected, displayed and exchanged independent of time and/or space. It does not require the transmitter (mobile application) and the receiver (web platform) to operate at the same time, which is very convenient when different monitoring teams are collecting nesting data on remote beaches each using their own tablet.
  • Can any tablet or mobile phone operate a Nesting Safe mobile App?
    NO. There are 100s of mobile devices on the global market with various levels of data storage capabilities and software versions, and they may not be compatible with receiving Nesting Safe Updates. Experience has shown that Nesting Safe cannot guarantee that other mobile devices are capable of hosting and synchronizing the daily nesting data from our mobile application to the data platform.
  • Can other Bluetooth devices be integrated with the App?
    YES. The Nesting Safe App can also be configured to integrate measurement data from Bluetooth calipers, so that your egg measurements or hatchling size data are stored and transmitted seamlessly to a structured format in the database platform, when you sync the Tablet to the cloud.
  • What is the GPS precision of the Bridge?
    The communication bridge is designed to enhance the GPS precision of the tablet, according to your needs in relocating concealed nests, or buried sensors. The R-Bridge is a GPS Rover : Provides 1st degree accuracy ~2m precision. The B-Bridge acts as a GPS Base when combined with Rover : Provides 2nd degree accuracy ~2cm precision.
  • What is the ‘Premium’ version of the bridge?
    The Premium version of the R-Bridge is a technological upgrade that can wirelessly retrieve the environmental data from the buried sensors, and transfers the data to the mobile application when requested. The Premium unit includes the 2m GPS Rover precision and also communicates with CRADAL sensors to retrieve environmental data on demand.
  • What are CRADAL sensors?
    CRADAL is an acronym for C oncealed RAD io A ctivated L ocalisation. This means that when the user surveys the beach with the Communication Bridge within range of the CRADAL sensors, the sensors communicate with the Bridge. The environmental data can be retrieved from the below-ground and above-ground sensors on demand.
  • Is sensor data at risk once data is transmitted?
    NO. Although the sensor data is transmitted on demand to the Bridge, the cumulated data remains stored in the sensor until the user decides to upload it and reconfigure the sensor for another location.
  • Is a Nesting Safe GPS-bridge required if we already own GPS receivers?
    NO. If you already own a GPS receiver from another supplier, you can manually enter its GPS location data directly into the Nesting Safe mobile application, according to the precision you require. All your nesting events will thus be georeferenced according to the accuracy of your alternate GPS input.
  • What’s the advantage of using Nesting Safe GPS bridge?
    The Nesting Safe Bridge provides automatic and seamless GPS integration with our mobile application. Since we have full control over the data communication protocols, the accuracy of the data gives you the ability to reliably map and relocate nests over the entire nesting season without transcription error.


Tel: +1 438-872-7233

Thank you for getting in touch!

We appreciate you contacting us. One of our colleagues will get back in touch with you soon!

Have a great day!


Nesting Safe provides tools to monitor turtle nesting events in order to anticipate where and when hatchlings will emerge

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